What should I bring to the appointment?

Be ready to answer questions about your symptoms and any allergy medications you’ve tried. Here are some ideas of things to take with you:
Symptom diary - download our app to start tracking your respiratory allergy symptoms with ease
A list of questions to ask the doctor (see below)
Photos of any rashes or flare ups
A list of any medications you have tried or still use
A list of foods you feel may have given you an allergic reaction. Take labels if you have them
We have a guide to help you prepare for your visit with the doctor. The Allergist Prep Guide is full of practical tips and helpful information.
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When you do your homework, you can get the most out of your visit

What should I ask the doctor during my appointment?

To help you get the most out of your appointment, here are some questions you might like to consider asking the doctor. Tip: Jot them down and take them with you.
  • How can I control my allergy symptoms?
  • What allergy treatments do you suggest?
  • How can I avoid my allergic triggers?
  • What’s the long-term outlook for my allergies?
  • How do I manage my allergy with other medical issues? (If relevant)
  • If your child has allergy symptoms, ask about having them tested, as allergies can run in families
Take a look at some allergy treatments so you can ask the doctor about them in more detail.
Explore allergy medicine

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Our newsletter is designed to help you along your allergy journey with practical tips and advice for managing your allergies — straight to your inbox.

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What do you know about allergy immunotherapy?

If symptom-relieving medication isn’t helping to control your allergies, or you find it impossible to avoid your allergen, allergy immunotherapy might be an option. Allergy immunotherapy greatly reduces allergy symptoms and can bring long-term relief. Use our fact finder quiz to find out more about allergy immunotherapy and which type might suit you and your lifestyle. Be sure to ask your doctor if allergy immunotherapy might be right for you.

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Try our allergy app Try our allergy app
Haven’t found a doctor yet?

Haven’t found a doctor yet?

If you’re ready to take action but haven’t yet found the right doctor, we can help you find one near you. A doctor can determine what’s causing your allergy symptoms and help find a treatment that’s suitable for you.
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klarify: the smart way to manage pollen allergies

klarify: the smart way to manage pollen allergies

The free klarify app can help you track how your hay fever affects you over time. Log how you feel every day to help you help your doctor understand your pollen allergies better.
Download now